mandag 22. november 2010

Kjærlighet fra Gud

... that God sees you as you truly are, - a holy child of light: I see you strong and whole. I see you blessed and prospered. I see you courageous and confident. I see you capable and successful. I see you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are.

onsdag 20. oktober 2010

Måtte bare dele.....

dette notatet fra Facebook. Det er kjempeviktig med positive tanker, da utnyttes de positive kreftene som kan bidra til at man får det bedre med seg selv. Og dermed gi mer av seg selv til andre mennesker.

Healing Yourself

av Lotus den 20. oktober 2010 kl. 03:57

 My soul can lead me to healing. I will become one with my true self. With this first affirmation we begin the healing process. From there ninety-nine other expressions of spirit follow, one for each day. All together they summarize the process of emotional and spiritual healing. They shift our attention from the external world to the inner world, which is the source of light.
Suffering threatens to make life meaningless. That is its greatest danger, not the pain it inflicts. It is up to each of us to restore meaning. Doctors cannot do it for us with their medicine; friends cannot do it for us with their solace and comfort. You are healed when you can say to yourself, “I matter, I belong, I am worthy, I am safe, I can express myself, I am loved.”
Inner healing involves moving from darkness to the light. “Light” is a word that has different meanings yet is generally understood as love and understanding. Love nurtures the emotional body; understanding fills the voids created by pain.
As you contact your true self, you will discover that the soul is not passive. Spirit knows more about us than we do ourselves, and it wants to support our every step toward wholeness. The soul journey has been called the pathless path because there is no map.
Every person’s steps are different. But the great wisdom traditions have told us a multitude of helpful things about spirit.
Light has the power to fill the void afflicted by darkness. Healing yourself comes in two stages – releasing the energy of suffering, then replacing it with the soul’s energy. It is a gentle process, very much like holding on to a thread as it leads you from step to step. What begins as the merest hint of new strength will grow. Your true self is always available to meet any challenge, find any answer, and show you the way out of any dilemma.
Adapted from The Deeper Wound: Recovering the Soul from Fear and Suffering, by Deepak Chopra

søndag 19. september 2010

Og så var Ordet......

Det varte ikke lenge etter at ønsket om ord og tanker var sendt ut, at svaret kom.
På veggen min på Facebook, dukket denne linken opp i dag morges:

fra Barbo Elise Rist, og der var jo det jeg skulle bruke for å komme i bedre kontakt med meg selv. Tusen takk til deg, Barbro, jeg ble raskt en Følger.

Jeg skal se nærmere på denne senere, nå er det middag her - som min kjære lager, men helt klart at dette er det jeg trengte for å komme i gang.

onsdag 8. september 2010

En fredsbønn

Fredsformel skrevet av Marcello Haugen, den er sakset fra hjemmesiden til en av hans etterkommere, Åsmund Gylder,skrevet 12 januar 2006:

"Jeg gir min fred til verdensfreden denne dag, idet jeg setter positive vibrasjoner i mine tanker for fred og harmoni."

Kraftfulle ord - måtte vi alle kunne leve med fredfulle tanker om hverandre.